Last Visit / Dead User Admin Module Version 1.4
Date: Friday, May 21 @ 08:53:44 CEST
Topic: Downloads

Reclaim that wasted disk space that is taken up by "dead" members!

This module keeps track of how long it has been since a user has last visited. User visits are timed in 30 day increments and automatically restart with each visit. Users that have not logged in for over 90 days are considered dead. You can send a warning mail to individual users or "mass warn" all dead users. Warnings are also timed in the same fashion as the user login.

The warning mail message is easily customized. You can terminate individuals or "mass terminate" all dead users. This is a must-have module for improved site user administration.

Download for free now (no login required)!

This version includes all updates and fixes to date.

This article comes from NukeCops

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